Feb 08, 2025  
2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalog 
2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Continuing Education

Kathryn Zuckweiler, Director, Center for Continuing, Professional, and Distance Education
(Hardin Administration Building 104)

Continuing Education is a community-oriented service provided through non-credit, personal enrichment courses, seminars, conferences, and workshops designed to meet the individual’s needs and educational requirements.

Continuing Education will work with businesses, industries, and agencies to develop in-house programs; to develop, coordinate, and implement conferences, seminars, and institutes or other special programs; to co-sponsor programs with interested groups, agencies, or professional organizations, and to develop community enrichment events. Programming may be flexible and scheduled to fit the particular goal to be attained.

The University reserves the right to substitute speakers or instructors if unavoidable circumstances make it necessary.

Certificates and Continuing Education Units for Professional Development

Formal recognition is awarded for the completion of Continuing Education professional or skill programs through the issuance of Continuing Education Units (CEUs), in a printed certificate. A CEU is a nationally recognized, standard unit of measurement awarded for every ten contact hours of participation in an organized Continuing Education experience, under responsible sponsorship, capable direction, and qualified instruction. Midwestern State’s programs were reviewed by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training on September 22, 1994, and received approval to award Continuing Education Units as an “Authorized CEU Sponsor.”

Registration and Tuition Policies

Schedules for fall, spring, and summer classes are printed regularly and will be mailed upon request. Schedules include general information, course descriptions, and tuition fees for each course. Pre-registrations are required. Tuition payment for all classes, seminars, institutes, and workshops is due and payable upon registration. Payment by Visa, MasterCard, or Discover is available. Upon prior requests, we may bill your company.

Enrollment for MSU Continuing Education courses is accepted by mail, by telephone, by e-mail, or in person. To enroll by mail, send name, address, and check (payable to Midwestern State University) to MSU Continuing Education, 3410 Taft Blvd., Wichita Falls, Texas 76308. To enroll by telephone, call (940) 397-4307.  Please mention the course or courses for which you are registering. To enroll in person, come to the Hardin Administration Building, room 218.

To enroll online, log onto the Continuing Education web page at http://www.mwsu.edu/conted/, which contains a registration form.


If a course fails to materialize, a full refund will be made to the enrollee. The University reserves the right to discontinue any classes for which enrollment is not sufficient to justify the offering. Enrollees requesting a refund must call the office at (940) 397-4307.

A $10 administration fee may be charged if an enrollee drops a class for any reason after registering but before the first class meeting.

For some classes, a percentage of a refund may be made if withdrawal occurs before the second meeting of a class. This does not include studio art courses. For studio art classes, withdrawal will be allowed until the third meeting of classes.

No refund will be made after the second meeting of a class (third meeting, studio art) unless specific problems occur and the director approves the refund.

Classes that have a $10.00 tuition fee or less may not be subject to any refund.

Seminars and workshops may have a different refund policy.

Important Information on Parking

Ample space in non-reserved parking is available on campus. HOWEVER, university regulations require all cars parking on campus to be registered.  Students may register their vehicles at the MSU police department, 2517 Hampstead Lane, during normal office hours.

The Center for Continuing Education encourages involvement in life-long educational experiences. To paraphrase the Carnegie Commission on Higher Education: Education is a lifelong process–one never loses the ability to learn.