Feb 08, 2025  
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog 
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


General Information

The following list of commonly used terms and policies is presented to enable the student to become familiar with the vocabulary of the campus. These terms and the rules and regulations accompanying them should be learned by the student early in the college career. This section of the catalog applies to all students.

Advisor. The member of the faculty or staff who guides the student in the selection of courses and in solving problems. An advisor will be assigned to the student who has not selected a major field of study. After the major is selected, the dean of the college in which the student is majoring will appoint an advisor.

The advisor will prepare the degree plan and will guide the student throughout the academic program. The student should feel free to consult the advisor in regard to course of study, other interests, and problems.

Audit of Courses. With the written permission of the instructor of the course concerned, an individual may sit in a class as an auditor without receiving college credit. The auditor’s name will not be entered on the class roll, and the instructor will not accept any papers, tests, or examinations. Attendance as an auditor may not be made the basis of a claim for credit in a course. Laboratory, skills, and distance education/web technology courses are not available to the auditor. For cost determination, see Auditing Fee  in financial information section.

Senior citizens 65 years of age or older may audit approved course(s) offered by Midwestern without payment of a fee if space is available. In order to determine the “space availability,” enrollment by senior citizens will be handled during late registration only. Proof of age is required for the fee waiver (driver’s license, voter registration, birth certificate, etc.).

As per MSU Policy 3.312, MSU faculty and staff members may audit university courses free of charge with the permission of the instructor.  Although MSU faculty and staff members auditing courses will be provided access to the university’s learning management system for courses being audited, they will not be required to complete papers, tests, examinations, or other assessments. Attendance as an auditor may not be made the basis of a claim for credit in a course. Faculty and staff members desiring to receive credit for a course must enroll in the course for credit and are responsible for all tuition and fees associated with the course. (Faculty and staff members desiring to enroll in courses for credit are encouraged to review MSU Policies 3.141 and 3.223 for information regarding respective education incentive programs.)

A parking permit is required if vehicles are to be parked on campus streets and/or parking lots.

Authorized Absences. Absences due to required participation in university-sponsored activities must be approved by the college dean or Athletic Director and the Provost. Students with written approval must present a signed letter or memo to each instructor at least two class days prior to the date of the absence. Only prior notification can guarantee lack of penalty for these absences. It is the responsibility of the student to arrange with the instructor to make up all work missed during an authorized absence.

Academically-related activities (class field trips, attendance at conferences, etc.) which result in absences require the cooperation of individual faculty members. Even though such activities are educational in nature they do not qualify as university-sponsored activities. Faculty members who organize such activities should assist their students in contacting and informing relevant faculty of the planned activity. Excused absences for such activities may be given at the discretion of the faculty member whose class is missed.

Procedures for Authorized Absences: The Provost will approve one copy of a request which includes the names of all students involved. The faculty member, upon receipt of the approval, will make copies for each student.

  1. Faculty sponsors or coaches should draft a memorandum or letter to the Provost. This memorandum should include information concerning the nature of the event, the date(s) on which students would be absent from class, and the names and identification numbers of the students involved.
  2. Upon approval of the Provost, a copy of the memorandum should be given to each student listed.
  3. Students should be directed to communicate with their instructor(s) at least two class days prior to the date of the planned absence. Make-up assignments will occur at the convenience of the professor.

Assistance with notification of professors with regard to absences will be provided by the following:

  1. Dean of Students Office - For personal emergencies or an illness which requires hospitalization or a prolonged absence, a student should notify the Dean of Students.
  2. Vinson Health Center - When a student’s illness warrants verification, the Dean of Students Office and/or faculty members will be notified.

Excused Absences Defined by State Regulations:

  1. Religious Holy Days: In accordance with Section 51.911 of the Texas Education Code, Midwestern State University shall excuse a student from attending classes or engaging in other required activities, including examinations, for the observance of a religious holy day, including travel for that purpose. It is the responsibility of a student who intends to observe a religious holy day to make that intention known in writing to the instructor as far in advance of the absence as possible so that arrangements can be made to complete an assignment or take an examination within a reasonable period after the absence. A student whose absence is excused under this subsection may not be penalized for that absence and shall be allowed to take an examination or complete an assignment from which the student is excused within a reasonable time after the absence. An instructor may appropriately respond if the student fails to satisfactorily complete the assignment or examination within a reasonable time after the absence. If a student and instructor disagree about the nature of the absence being for the observance of a religious holy day, or if there is similar disagreement about whether the student has been given a reasonable time to complete any missed assignments or examinations, either the student or the instructor may request a ruling from the college dean. The student and instructor shall abide by the decision of the college dean. If the college dean serves as the instructor for the course in question, the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs shall determine the ruling. A “religious holy day” is defined under Section 11.20 (Religious Organizations) of the Texas Tax Code as a holy day observed by a religion whose places of worship are exempt from property taxation. The University does not maintain a list of religious holy days.
  2. Required Military Service: In accordance with Section 51.9111 of the Texas Education Code, Midwestern State University shall excuse a student from attending classes or engaging in other required activities, including examinations, in order for the student to participate in required military service of a reasonably brief duration to which the student is called, including travel associated with the service. Required military service includes required military service performed by a member of the Texas National Guard, Texas State Guard, or United States Military. The maximum time for which the student may be excused has been defined by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) as “no more than 25 percent of the total number of class meetings or the contact hour equivalent (not including the final examination period) for the specific course or courses in which the student is currently enrolled at the beginning of the period of required military service.” A student whose absence is excused under this subsection may not be penalized for that absence and shall be allowed to complete an assignment or take an examination from which the student is excused within a reasonable time after the absence. An instructor may appropriately respond if the student fails to satisfactorily complete the assignment or examination within a reasonable time after the absence. If a student and instructor disagree about whether the student has been given a reasonable time to complete any missed assignments or examinations, either the student or the instructor may request a ruling from the college dean. The student and instructor shall abide by the decision of the college dean. If the college dean serves as the instructor for the course in question, the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs shall determine the ruling.

Change of Major. The student’s major is first declared on the application for admission. If a change needs to be made, the student goes to the department office of the new major being declared to complete the appropriate paperwork. More information is available at the following website: https://msutexas.edu/registrar/change-major.

Class Attendance. Students are expected to attend all meetings of the classes in which they are enrolled. Although in general students are graded on intellectual effort and performance rather than attendance, absences may lower the student’s grade where class attendance and class participation are deemed essential by the faculty member. In those classes where attendance is considered as part of the grade, the instructor should so inform students of the specifics in writing at the beginning of the semester in a syllabus or separate attendance policy statement. An instructor who has an attendance policy must keep records on a daily basis. The instructor must give the student a verbal or written warning prior to being dropped from the class. An instructor’s records will stand as evidence of absences. A student with excessive absences may be dropped from a course by the instructor. Any individual faculty member or college has the authority to establish an attendance policy, providing the policy is in accordance with the General University Policies.

Classification of Students. Students are classified as freshman, sophomore, junior, senior, graduate degree, and post-baccalaureate.

A freshman has fulfilled all admission requirements.
A sophomore has a minimum of 30 semester hours of credit.
A junior has a minimum of 60 semester hours of credit.
A senior has a minimum of 90 semester hours of credit.
A graduate degree student is one who has been officially admitted to graduate work.

A graduate post-baccalaureate student is one who has a bachelor’s or higher degree and who is not seeking a master’s degree at Midwestern State University. The student may be taking courses for professional development, teacher certification, personal interest, or to transfer graduate credit to another institution. Please refer to the graduate catalog for additional information.

Common Course Numbering System. Midwestern State University has joined with other colleges and universities in Texas in support of the Texas Common Course Numbering System (TCCNS). The purpose of the system is to assist students who are transferring between participating institutions. The system utilizes single unique course alphabetic prefixes and numbers to identify freshman and sophomore level courses which are common between two or more member colleges or universities. Although Midwestern State did not change its numbers to the common course system, a crosswalk is provided in the catalog. The TCCNS prefix and number is also displayed adjacent to each MSU course number that is equivalent to a Texas Common Course Number.

Each common course number has an alphabetic prefix which specifies the program area. A four-digit number is also assigned to each course. The first of four digits identifies the academic level of the course. Freshman or first year courses are designated by a “1” and sophomore or second year courses by a “2.” The second digit specifies the number of semester credit hours awarded for the completion of the course. The third and fourth digits distinguish the course within a program area. For example, ENGL 1301 would be a three semester credit English course normally taken the freshman year.  See “Course Numbers ” for an explanation of Midwestern State’s numbering system.

Course Load. A student must have the approval of the college dean or designee to enroll in more than 19 semester hours during the fall and spring semesters. A student will not be allowed to enroll in more than 7 semester hours plus an exercise physiology activity course during a summer session without approval.

A student’s load is based upon the following number of hours:

  Fall and Spring (Undergraduate)  
    12 hours or above full-time*  
    9-11 hours 3/4 time  
    6-8 hours 1/2 time  
    1-5 hours less than 1/2 time  
    *Six hours of clinical teaching plus a 3 semester hour course = full-time  
    Nursing courses - 11 semester hours = full-time  
    RADS 4114 , RADS 4215 , or RADS 4315  plus a 3 semester hour course = full-time  
  Fall and Spring (Graduate)  
    9 hours or above full-time*  
    6-8 hours 3/4 time  
    3-5 hours 1/2 time  
    1-2 hours less than 1/2 time  
    *9 hours or 6 hours plus graduate assistant or graduate teaching assistant status = full-time  
    6 hours for Family Nurse Practitioner and Family Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner majors = full-time  
  Summer Sessions (Graduate and Undergraduate)  
    6 hours or above full-time  
    4-5 hours 3/4 time  
    3 hours 1/2 time  
    1-2 hours less than 1/2 time  

Financial Aid award status rules may differ. Please see Financial Aid .

Course Numbers. Courses are numbered according to the year in which it is intended they be taken.

1000 courses – first year, for freshmen
2000 courses – second year, for sophomores
3000 courses – third year, for juniors and in a limited amount for graduate students
4000 courses – fourth year, for seniors and in a limited amount for graduate students
5000 courses – fifth year, for graduate students
6000 courses – for graduate students, primarily seminar and thesis courses

With advisor approval, freshman and sophomore students may take 3000-4000 level courses if they have met the prerequisites.

The second and third digits are college identification numbers.*
The last digit of a course number indicates the semester hour value of the course.*
*Exception: NURS 4910-last two digits indicate 10 hour course.

In the course description, the three numbers below the horizontal line indicate (1) the credit value of the course in semester hours, (2) the number of lecture hours each week, and (3) the number of laboratory hours each week. For example, 4(3-2) indicates a four-semester hour course which meets for three hours lecture and two hours laboratory each week for one semester.

A number in parenthesis immediately below the course hours indicates a former catalog number for the same course.

Lower Division Courses. A term frequently used to indicate courses with 1000 and 2000 numbers. The student should enroll continuously during the freshman and sophomore years in required lower division courses until all are completed.

Advanced or Upper Division Courses. A term used to designate 3000 and 4000 numbered courses.

Degree Plan. The degree plan is prepared by the student’s advisor and approved by the heads of the major and minor program areas. Degree plans of all students seeking Texas teacher certification should be approved by the Teacher Certification Officer.

The degree plan may never supersede catalog requirements. The student is held responsible for meeting all requirements of the catalog selected for graduation. The degree plan should be prepared as soon as the student’s degree, major, and minor objectives have been determined but no later than the first semester of the junior year.

The degree plan may be prepared in accordance with the requirements stated in the catalog in effect at the time the student entered the University or of those of any subsequent year provided that the student completes the requirements within six years of the date of the catalog selected and earns a minimum of twelve semester hours during the year(s) it was in effect. All degree requirements of the catalog selected must be met.

The official copy of the approved degree plan will be maintained by the Office of the Registrar. Departments using paper copies will send copies to the student and to all those who have signed the degree plan. It is the responsibility of the last person signing the degree plan to make distribution of all copies.  Some department have chosen a paperless degree plan option, using Degree Works as the official plan.

Texas House Bill 3025 requires students entering higher education beginning Fall 2012 to file a degree plan by the time they earn 45 hours. Students who have already earned 45 hours upon entering must file the degree plan by the second semester. The legislation further requires institutions to place holds on the records of students who fail to file the degree plan on time, which will prohibit the students from obtaining an official transcript until the requirement is met.

Texas Senate Bill 25 and House Bill 3808 changed requirements for filing a degree plan in the 2019-2020 academic year. It will require students to file a degree plan the semester after reaching 30 or more semester credit hours for coursework successfully completed.  Additionally, Senate Bill 25 requires that students enrolled in dual credit coursework are required to file a degree plan not later than the end of the second regular semester or term immediately following the semester in which the student completes 15 or more semester credit hours. If the student begins at an institution with more than 15 semester credit hours of dual credit, the student has until the end of the student’s second regular semester to file a degree plan.

Grade Point Average. This figure, abbreviated GPA, is computed by dividing the total grade points (quality points) earned at Midwestern State University by the total number of quality hours attempted at Midwestern State University. Effective Fall 1996, developmental courses (ENGL 1003, ENGL 1013, ENGL 0043 , ENGL 1014, MATH 0003 , MATH 0203 , MATH 0053 , MATH 0233 , MATH 1003 ) are computed in the grade point average. A Midwestern State University grade point average of 2.0 is required for graduation.

Transferred grades are not considered in MSU grade point average computation. Transfer students admitted with a grade point deficiency must remove the deficiency with grades earned at Midwestern State University. A student must have a 2.0 major, minor, and cumulative average based on MSU work as well as transfer work accepted to graduate.

Honor Rolls. A student who completes a semester schedule of at least 12 hours in one semester with no grade lower than A (4.000) will be included on the President’s Honor Roll. The student cannot have semester grades of I, WF or NC.

A student who completes a semester schedule of at least 12 semester hours in one semester with a grade point average of 3.750 to 3.999 and no grade lower than C will be included on the Provost’s Honor Roll. The student cannot have semester grades of I, WF or NC.

A student who completes a semester schedule of at least 12 semester hours in one semester with a grade point average of 3.500 - 3.749 and no grade lower than C will be included on the Dean’s Honor Roll. The student cannot have semester grades of I, WF or NC.

Independent Study Course. An individual research course.

The requirements for enrollment in an independent study course are as follows:

  1. The student must have at least a B average in the area of the proposed independent study course or directed readings course with an overall average of not less than 2.5.
  2. Approval must be obtained from both the college involved and the professor who will direct the course.
  3. Any student below senior standing applying for an independent study course will be referred to the college dean of the course concerned for final approval. An applicant of questionable eligibility will be referred to the dean for final approval.
  4. A maximum of six semester hours of undergraduate credit earned in independent study courses, conference courses, or other non-scheduled class type courses in any one subject matter area may be counted in the 120 hours required for the bachelor’s degree.

Invalidation of Courses: Students who decide not to remain enrolled prior to the first day of classes must contact the Student Rights and Responsibilities Office to invalidate or withdraw. The office is located in the Clark Student Center, Room 108, or call (940) 397-6273.

Mustangs I.D.: Midwestern State University uses the Mustangs I.D. for each student. This number may also be referred to as the Student I.D. number. A unique identification number will be assigned to each student for use on the MSU student identification card and access to MSU WebWorld, in conjunction with a personal identification number (PIN). The Social Security Number (SSN) will still be collected and used on federal and state reports, and it is required for students applying for financial aid. If it is not provided, delays in processing or the inability to match documents may be experienced. The portal credentials also include the Mustangs I.D.

Prerequisite. A condition which must be satisfied prior to enrolling for the course in question. Prerequisites are listed below the course title in the catalog course descriptions.

Semester Credit Hour. The unit of credit in a course for a semester. For example, in a long semester, a three hour course meets three hours per week for 15 weeks. The minimum number of semester hours required for graduation with a bachelor’s degree is 120 semester hours including exercise physiology requirements. Developmental courses are excluded from the 120 hours. (Note: Students majoring in the Dillard College of Business Administration cannot count any physical activities courses as electives.)

Semester Credit Hour Guidelines. In keeping with both federal (CFR Title 34, Part 600.2) and state (Texas Administrative Code Title 19, Part 1, Chapter 4, Sub Chapter A, Rule 4.6) standards in setting the minimum requirements for a semester credit hour, MSU utilizes the following guidelines to set minimum work requirements for semester credit hours based on different course and instruction types.

Clinical: Clinical hours predominately fall in the Health Sciences and Human Services disciplines and may include seminars and conferences, but the primary learning activity is by supervised “hands-on” experience in a clinical setting. Clinical contact hours are determined by program accreditation bodies and the following provides a range inclusive of all relevant accrediting agencies. For undergraduate clinical courses one semester credit hour is associated with 2-13 contact hours per week for 15 weeks (120-780 minutes per week). For graduate clinical courses one semester credit hour is associated with 4 to 6 contact hours per week for 15 weeks (240-360 minutes per week). Equivalent contact time is required in summer semesters or scheduling formats of varying lengths.

Combined Lecture/Lab or Studio: In courses that contain both a lecture and lab component 2-4 semester credit hours are assigned to the course. Typically that breaks down to 50-150 minutes of lecture per week and 50-200 minutes of laboratory or studio instruction per week for 15 weeks. Equivalent contact time is required in summer semesters or scheduling formats of varying lengths.

Distance Education and Hybrid Courses: Distance Education and Hybrid courses will be based on the concept that one semester credit hour is granted for 50 minutes per week for 15 weeks as required for traditional classes. Departments and colleges ensure that time spent in the online component would equate to the contact hour requirements for the semester credit hour value of the course in a traditional face-to-face setting. Distance learning can be composed of both synchronous and asynchronous instructional modalities. Equivalent contact time is required in summer semesters or scheduling formats of varying lengths.

Independent Study, Research, and Student Teaching: Semester credit hours associated with these types of instruction will be assigned depending upon the amount of activity associated with the course, faculty supervision, and student outside work activity. Departments and colleges are responsible for ensuring that course credit meets the minimum contact hour standard set by federal, state, and MSU policy. Student teaching receives 6 semester credit hours for course work but requires contact hours equivalent to full-time teaching for a minimum of 12 weeks.

Laboratory: One semester credit hour is associated with a laboratory class meeting for 50-150 minutes per week for a 15 week semester. Equivalent contact time is required in summer semesters or scheduling formats of varying lengths.

Lecture or Seminars: Normally, one semester credit hour is associated with a class meeting for 50 minutes of lecture instruction per week for an entire 15 week semester (or the equivalent 750 semester-minutes). Equivalent contact time is required in summer semesters or scheduling formats of varying lengths.

Studio: One hundred minutes of studio instruction per week equals one semester credit hour in a 15 week semester. Equivalent contact time is required in summer semesters or scheduling formats of varying lengths.

Student Alert. A student alert notice (Conduct and Attendance Referral and/or Academic Referral) should be initiated by University personnel (faculty and staff) when it becomes apparent that a student is experiencing some difficulty requiring intervention/follow-up by the Dean of Students Office and/or the Tutoring and Academic Support Center. Such behavior demonstrated may be non-attendance, excessive absences, poor test performance, high levels of anxiety, etc.

Student I.D. Number. See Mustangs I.D.

Transcript Service. To order official copies of the Midwestern State University transcript go to https://msutexas.edu/registrar/transcript for instructions.

No transcripts will be released for students having financial/academic delinquencies at the University.

WebWorld/Portal. MSU provides student self-service opportunities via WebWorld and the MSU Portal. Students may access registration, bills, grades, unofficial transcripts, financial aid information, change of address, and many other services online at https://login.msutexas.edu.

MSU Portal logins are a unique username and password that are emailed to students when they are accepted.  WebWorld logins (without going through the Portal) use Mustangs I.D. number and PIN.

Course Changes, Drops, and Withdrawals

Change of Schedule. A student’s schedule may be changed on the days designated (see Academic Calendar ), subject to the approval of the student’s advisor.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. The student visits with the advisor to discuss adding a course, dropping a course, or to add and drop.
  2. The student will login to WebWorld to make a change. Students may make changes in WebWorld through the last day of late registration. The class schedule will show available dates. 

Dropping a Course. After late registration, a student should visit with the instructor and/or the advisor to see if dropping the course will affect the time to degree.  If a student drops a course without consulting the instructor or advisor, the student takes full responsibility for any delay in the degree progression. A student athlete, must contact the Athletics Office prior to dropping a class. An international student must contact the Global Education Office prior to dropping a class. To drop the course, the student logs in to WebWorld and selects the action in the drop down menu.

A student may drop a course during the first 9 weeks of a long semester, the first 4 1/2 weeks of an 8 week part-of-term, the first 6 weeks of a 10 week summer term, or through the 12th class day of a 4 or 5 week summer term consisting of 20 days with a grade of W (See Academic Calendar  in schedule of classes.). After the above deadlines, a grade of F will be recorded for any class drop.

State Limitation on Dropped Courses. Under section 51.907 of the Texas Education Code, “an institution of higher education may not permit a student to drop more than six courses, including any course a transfer student has dropped at another institution of higher education.” This statute applies to students who enroll in a public institution of higher education as first-time freshmen in fall 2007 or later. Any course that a student drops is counted toward the six-course limit if: “(1) the student was able to drop the course without receiving a grade or incurring an academic penalty; (2) the student’s transcript indicates or will indicate that the student was enrolled in the course; and (3) the student is not dropping the course in order to withdraw from the institution.” Some exemptions for good cause could allow a student to drop a course without having it counted toward this limit, but it is the responsibility of the student to establish that good cause.  In accordance with Senate Bill 1782 certain exceptions may apply for students who had 50 semester credit hours successfully completed at an institution of higher education before a 24 month break in enrollment.

Exemptions include the following:

  1. Severe illness or debilitating condition preventing completion of course
  2. Responsible for caring for a sick, injured or needy person
  3. Death of close family member
  4. Active duty service in US Armed Forces or National Guard, or that of an immediate family member
  5. Change in student’s work schedule beyond control of student
  6. Other good cause determined by the institution

Official Drop Date. No drop is official until the course is officially dropped on WebWorld. The date the drop is submitted through WebWorld is the official drop date for grade determination (W, WF, F). An F will result if a student ceases to attend class without completely processing a course drop or withdrawal from the University.

Instructor Drop. An instructor may drop a student any time during the semester for excessive absences, for consistently failing to meet class assignments, for an indifferent attitude, or for disruptive conduct. The instructor must give the student a verbal or written warning prior to dropping the student from the class. An instructor’s drop of a student takes precedence over the student-initiated course drop of a later date. The instructor will assign a grade of either WF or F through the first 9 weeks of a long semester, the first 4 1/2 weeks of an 8 week part-of-term, the first 6 weeks of a 10 week summer term, or the 12th class day of a 4 or 5 week summer term consisting of 20 days. After these periods the grade will be an F. The date the instructor drop form is received in the Office of the Registrar is the official drop date.  A student dropped from a class by a faculty member for disruptive behavior has the right of appeal to the Student Conduct Committee through the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities (CSC 108).

Withdrawals. Any student who does not intend to continue attending classes at Midwestern State University should officially withdraw by the deadline rather than stop attending, since this latter action results in unnecessary failing grades.

  • Voluntary Withdrawal from the University. A student who desires to withdraw from the University will contact the Student Rights and Responsibilities Office by the deadline. Following an exit interview, the student will be issued a copy of the withdrawal form, and the Student Rights and Responsibilities Office will process the paperwork with the necessary University offices.
  • Enforced Withdrawal from the University. A student who fails to comply with the stated regulations concerning temporary admission or other University policies may be required to withdraw after University review. This action will be posted to the permanent record and a statement will be retained in the academic file.
  • Texas House Bill 449. HB 449 provides that if a former student is determined to be ineligible to reenroll in a postsecondary educational institution for a reason other than an academic or financial reason, the institution must include a notation to that effect on the student’s transcript. A “postsecondary educational institution” is defined as either a public institution of higher education or a private or independent institution of higher education.
    The bill requires that, should a student withdraw during a disciplinary proceeding that could result in he or she being found ineligible to reenroll for reasons other than academic or financial, the institution must continue to process the charges to a final determination. If the final determination results in the student being ineligible to reenroll for reason other than academic or financial, then the institution must place the ineligibility to reenroll on the student’s transcript.
    A student may request the removal of the transcript notation. The removal may occur if the student becomes eligible to reenroll or the institution deems good cause exists to remove the notation.
    The Coordinating Board is required to adopt rules as soon as practicable using negotiated rulemaking procedures under Chapter 2008, Government Code.

Grading System

All grades are reported by letter without modification of plus or minus. Letter grades have the following significance:

      Grade points per Semester hour
A indicates excellent work. 4
B indicates good work. 3
C indicates satisfactory work. 2
D indicates passing work. 1
*P indicates passing work taken for pass/fail credit. Not in effect after Fall 1985. 0
CR indicates passing work in designated courses. 0
NC indicates non-credit in designated courses. 0
F indicates failing work. 0
    F is given for an unofficial withdrawal or a course dropped after the 9th week of a long semester, 4 1/2 weeks of an 8 week part-of-term, 6th week of a 10 week summer term, or after the 12th class day of a 4 or 5 week summer term consisting of 20 days.  
    F may be given in a course any time during the semester if an instructor drops the student.  
*F indicates failing work taken for pass-fail credit. Not in effect after Fall 1985.
I indicates incomplete work. A student is expected to complete a course of study during a semester. In an emergency an instructor may assign a grade of I.
  An I in a course numbered 0003-4999 must be converted into a letter grade within 30 days after the beginning of the next long semester or the I will become an F.
  An I in a course numbered 5000-6993 must be converted into a letter grade within 90 days after the beginning of the next long semester or the I will become an F.
  Extension of time to remove an incomplete. If it is impossible for an incomplete to be removed within the time period allowed due to extenuating circumstances, “Extension of Time” forms must be completed by the instructor and approved by the college dean.
  Any exception to these regulations must be approved by the college dean.
  Procedures for Removing I. As soon as the student has completed the course requirements, the faculty member will send the official grade to the Office of the Registrar.
X indicates incomplete thesis.
W indicates that the student has withdrawn or dropped officially from a course during the first 9 weeks of a long semester, 4 1/2 weeks of an 8 week part-of-term, first 6 weeks of a 10 week summer term, or through the 12th class day of a 4 or 5 week summer term consisting of 20 days. (See semester schedule for exact dates.) W is not computed in the grade point average.
WF indicates that the instructor dropped the student during the first 9 weeks of a long semester, first 6 weeks of a 10 week summer term, or through the 12th class day of a 4 or 5 week summer term consisting of 20 days. (See semester schedule for exact dates.) WF is not computed in the grade point average.
WS indicates student has officially dropped the course and it is a drop that counts in Texas 6-drop limit.
WX indicates administrative withdrawal.

Repetition of Courses. A course in which a grade of A or B has been earned may not be repeated for credit. Students may repeat at Midwestern State University any course in which a grade of C, D, or F was earned at MSU. Upon repetition at MSU the official grade is the higher one made. Effective Fall 2001, the higher grade earned will be computed in the grade point average although all enrollments will be shown on the permanent record. Prior to Fall 2001, only the grade earned in the last attempt will be computed in the grade point average. Repetition of a course with an earned grade of C or D at MSU taken at another institution will not be accepted in transfer. The C or D credit at Midwestern State University stands and will be calculated in the MSU GPA and counted toward graduation. Repetition of a course with an earned grade of F at MSU taken in residence at another institution may be accepted in transfer, but the F will continue to be shown on the MSU permanent record and calculated in the MSU GPA. Students may not repeat a course by correspondence which has been failed in residence. The students are responsible for confirming that the repeat has been indicated on the transcript. Students who are repeating a course taken at MSU prior to Summer 1986 should notify the Office of the Registrar so that the repeat can be coded correctly.

A grade of F given for academic dishonesty will be computed in the grade point average even after the course has been repeated.

Grade Reports. Semester grades may be viewed via WebWorld and the MSU Portal.

Change of Address. The student must report any changes in name, mailing address, or email address to the Office of the Registrar, Business Office, Financial Aid Office, MSU Admissions, and the Library. Student employees should also notify the Payroll Office. International students must also notify the Global Education Office of any address change. Students may also change their addresses online at https://msutexas.edu/registrar/address-changes.

Under Texas law the student is responsible for reporting changes in legal residence. This notification is submitted to MSU Admissions by the student.

Appeal of Course Grade

It is the responsibility and the prerogative of every faculty member to determine grades in those courses to which he or she is assigned. Except in accordance with stated university policies, no other individuals or group can make these decisions.

The only two bases on which a student can legitimately appeal a course grade and/or suspension from an academic program are:

  1. The student has not been evaluated according to the same criteria as his or her classmates, OR
  2. An error has been made in grading and/or posting.

The procedure for requesting a course grade change and/or retention in an academic program is as follows:

  1. The student must consult with the appropriate instructor, unless the instructor is no longer on staff.
  2. If this does not resolve the problem, the student should present a formal written appeal to the dean of the college in which the course was taught. This must be done no later than thirty (30) calendar days from the first day of the next long semester. In cases where the student was terminated from a program, the student should submit his or her petition for reinstatement to the dean of the college in which the program is located. The dean should immediately request a written response to the student’s complaint from the faculty member.
  3. Within ten working days from receipt of the appeal, the dean of the college should respond to the student in writing as to his or her disposition of this appeal.
  4. Should the appeal not be disposed of by the dean of the college in a manner satisfactory to the appellant, the appeal may be presented to the university’s Academic Appeals Committee. In such cases the following procedures should be followed:
    1. The student should obtain from the Office of the Provost a REQUEST FOR HEARING form and a copy of this policy. The student should fill out the form carefully and submit it, along with all other information pertinent to the student’s position, to the Provost. These materials will constitute the student’s formal written appeal and will then be forwarded by the Provost to the chair of the Academic Appeals Committee.
    2. Upon receipt of the appeal, the chair of the Academic Appeals Committee will at once distribute a copy to each member of the Academic Appeals Committee. Within five working days from receipt of the appeal, each committee member will inform the chair of the Academic Appeals Committee in writing whether or not he or she believes the appeal has established, on its face, at least one of the bases for appeal as noted above.
    3. If a simple majority of committee members finds no basis for the appeal, a hearing before the Academic Appeals Committee shall be denied, and the chair of the committee will at once inform the Provost of this decision in writing. The Provost should then inform the student by letter that the appeal has been denied because it did not meet either of the stated bases for appeal.
    4. If, however, a simple majority of the Academic Appeals Committee finds that the appeal appears to have a basis, then the chair will as soon as possible inform the student, the faculty member, and the dean of the college that a legitimate appeal has been filed and of specific procedures to be followed. The chair will also provide copies of the appeal to the faculty member and the dean of the college and by the same letter will inform the faculty member (or in certain situations noted as follows, the dean of the college) that he or she has ten working days in which to respond in writing to the Academic Appeals Committee.
      Both the student petitioning for a hearing by the Academic Appeals Committee and the faculty member involved have the right to challenge one member of the committee. This is a peremptory challenge, and the chair will choose a replacement from among the alternate members of the committee. The initial correspondence between the chair of the committee and the principals should specify this right and request prompt written response.
      In cases where the appeal concerns the performance of a teaching assistant or part-time faculty member, the dean of the college or other full-time faculty member directly responsible will represent the university before the Academic Appeals Committee. A teaching assistant or part-time faculty member may appear before the Academic Appeals Committee. In cases where the faculty member responsible is not available, the dean of the college involved will represent the university.
    5. Upon receipt of the faculty member’s written response, the chair will provide copies to all members of the Academic Appeals Committee and to the appellant and will schedule a meeting of the Academic Appeals Committee.
    6. The first meetings of the committee should be within ten working days from receipt of the faculty member’s response. At the written request of the student, the committee may consider the case based on the student’s written appeal without an appearance by the student before the committee.
    7. The number of meetings necessary to reach a decision will be dictated by each individual case. However, general guidelines are provided:
      1. Both parties involved reserve the right to bring information considered pertinent before the committee. This may include, but is not limited to written documents as well as orally presented information from designated individuals. Although these hearings are considered informal, reasonableness and fairness should prevail in this area.
      2. No representation of the student by legal counsel, parent, or other representative or of the faculty member by legal counsel or other representative except the dean of the college, where warranted, is entertained by the committee.
      3. Testimony from the parties involved should be taken independently, thereby avoiding any open confrontation which could be detrimental to the proceedings.
      4. In its deliberations, the committee should seek to focus only on the issue of the grade appeal or retention in the program in question.
      5. Likewise, the committee’s final recommendation should deal only with these issues.
      6. Prior to the proceedings, copies of all written or recorded evidence to be considered must be made available to all parties involved (student, instructor, and dean of the college). Additionally, any party specifically mentioned in a written document will be provided access to that document or the portion thereof relating to that party.
    8. Once the committee has reached a decision, a letter communicating this decision should be delivered to the Provost within ten working days. In addition, a summary of the proceedings outlining all pertinent points and reasons for the decision should be attached as well as the original petition from the student and the faculty member’s response. Any minority opinions from the committee should also be attached.
    9. If the committee has rendered a decision favoring the faculty member, the Provost should communicate this by letter to the appellant with a copy to the faculty member. If the decision rendered recommends a grade change, the Provost should write a letter to the faculty member with a copy to the dean of the college requesting the faculty member’s intended action.
    10. Should the faculty member decline to change the grade, the Provost may, based on the Academic Appeals Committee’s recommendation, change the grade by administrative action to the specific grade recommended by the committee. If there is an administrative grade change, the student’s transcript will reflect this. In addition, on request from the Provost, the committee may reconsider its findings and recommendations. However, once the committee’s decision has been accepted by the Provost along with the other documents specified above, the committee’s work will be considered complete.

Office of Veterans Affairs

The Office of Veterans Affairs assists students who are eligible for Federal and State veteran education benefits.

Information regarding education benefits for Veterans, reservists, dependents of deceased or disabled Veterans, and dependents of members of the armed forces can be obtained at the University’s Veterans Affairs office located on the first floor of Hardin South or on the MSU VA web page at https://msutexas.edu/registrar/veterans. Information is also available at the Department of Veterans Affairs’ website: http://www.va.gov or by calling the Department of Veterans Affairs national toll-free telephone number 1-888-442-4551.

Receipt of Veterans education benefits does not prevent a student from receiving other student aid or benefits; however, the student must meet the qualifications of the other programs.

Texas Veterans and children of Texas Veterans may be eligible for exemption of tuition and certain fees under the provisions of the Hazlewood Act. Effective for Fall 2014, the Texas Legislature approved Senate Bill 1210 which states that recipients of Texas state exemptions and/or waivers must meet Financial Aid’s satisfactory academic progress (SAP) requirement of a grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 for undergraduate students and 3.0 for graduate students; also, recipients must not be in excess hours status. All eligibility requirements for the Hazlewood Act can be found on the Texas Veterans Commission web page at https://www.tvc.texas.gov/education/hazlewood.

Other military exemptions may be available. See Exemptions from Registration Fees .

For more information, contact the Veterans Affairs Office at 3410 Taft Blvd, Wichita Falls, TX, 76308-2099, 940-397-4305, or veterans.affairs@msutexas.edu

Allowing Veterans to Attend or Participate in Courses Pending VA Payment (38 USC 3679(e)

Background:  Section 103 of Public Law (PL) 115-407, ‘Veterans Benefits and Transition Act of 2018,’ amends Title 38 US Code 3679 by adding a new subsection (e) that requires disapproval of courses of education, beginning August 1, 2019, at any educational institution that does not have a policy in place that will allow an individual to attend or participate in a course of education, pending VA payment, providing the individual submits a certificate of eligibility for entitlement to educational assistance under Chapter 31 or 33.

Pending Payment Compliance:  In accordance with Title 38 US Code 3679(e), Midwestern State University adopts the following additional provisions for any students using U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Post-9/11 G.I. Bill® (Ch. 33) or Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment (Ch. 31) benefits, while payment to the institution is pending from VA. Midwestern State University will not:

  • Prevent the student’s enrollment;
  • Assess a late penalty fee to the student;
  • Require the student to secure alternative or additional funding;
  • Deny the student access to any resources (access to classes, libraries, or other institutional facilities) available to other students who have satisfied their tuition and fee bills to the institution.

However, to qualify for this provision, such students may be required to:

  • Produce the VA Certificate of Eligibility (COE) by the first day of class;
  • Provide a written request to be certified;
  • Provide additional information needed to properly certify the enrollment as described in other institutional policies.

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974

Midwestern State University maintains educational records for each student who is or has been officially enrolled.

Areas in which student records are maintained:

  1. Academic Records - Registrar’s Office
  2. Admissions/Immigration Records - Admissions Office, Processing and Operations Office, Dr. Billie Doris McAda Graduate School, and the Global Education Office
  3. Financial Records - Business Office
  4. Financial Aid Records - Financial Aid Office
  5. Graduate Studies Records - Dr. Billie Doris McAda Graduate School
  6. Placement Records - Career Management Center
  7. Progress Records - Faculty Offices and Academic Advising Offices
  8. Disciplinary Records - Student Rights and Responsibilities Office
  9. Housing Records - Housing & Dining Services
  10. Athletics Records - Athletics Office
  11. Occasional Records - University staff person who maintains minutes of faculty or committee meetings or copies of correspondence

Directory Information.

This is information which may be released to the general public without the written consent of the student. A student may request that the Directory Information be withheld from the public by making a written request to the Office of the Registrar during the first 12 class days of a fall or spring semester or the first 4 class days of a summer term. This request will remain in effect unless removed by the student.  If the student leaves the university with it on, it remains on.  The following items have been designated as Directory Information:

  1. Name
  2. Date and Place of Birth
  3. Current and Permanent Address
  4. Telephone Listing
  5. Major and Minor Fields of Study
  6. Student Enrollment Status (full-time/part-time)
  7. Classification
  8. Participation in Officially Recognized Activities and Sports
  9. Weight and Height of Members of Athletic Teams
  10. Dates of Attendance
  11. Degrees and Awards Received
  12. All Previous Educational Agencies or Institutions Attended
  13. Photographs

Review of Record.

Students who desire to review their records may do so upon written request of the appropriate record custodian. The Review Request Form must identify as precisely as possible the records to be reviewed.

Challenge to Accuracy of Record-keeping.

Students who desire to challenge the accuracy of their records shall follow the procedure outlined below:

Informal Review. The procedure outlined for Review of Record shall be followed. The review official will summarize action taken on the Review Request form. This form should be signed and dated by the review official and maintained with the student’s record. If the Informal Review does not clarify the accuracy of record-keeping, the student may request a Formal Review.

Formal Review. The Provost will chair and appoint a committee to hear challenges concerning records of offices reporting to him or her. The Vice President for Student Affairs, and the Vice President for Enrollment Management will each chair and appoint a committee to hear challenges concerning records in their respective areas. The student shall be afforded a full and fair opportunity to present evidence relevant to the issues raised in the original request to amend the student’s education records. The student may be assisted by one or more individuals, including an attorney.

The Provost or the appropriate Vice President will prepare a written decision based solely on the evidence presented at the hearing for their respective areas. The decision will include a summary of the evidence presented and the reasons for the decision. If the University’s decision is that the challenged information is not inaccurate, misleading, or in violation of the student’s right of privacy, the student will be notified that he has a right to place in the record a statement commenting on the challenged information and/or a statement setting forth reasons for disagreeing with the decision.

The statement will be maintained as part of the student’s education records as long as the contested portion is maintained. If MSU discloses the contested portion of the record, it must also disclose the student’s statement. If MSU decides that the information is inaccurate, misleading, or in violation of the student’s rights of privacy, it will amend the record and notify the student, in writing, that the record has been amended.

Students have a right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in their education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. The following exceptions permit disclosure without consent:

  1. Disclosure without consent is permitted to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person employed by the University in an administrative, supervisory, academic or research, or support staff position (including law enforcement unit personnel and health staff); a person or company with whom the University has contracted (such as an attorney, auditor, collection agent, or enrollment or loan and degree verification service); a person serving on the Board of Regents; or a student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks. A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility.
  2. The Higher Education Amendments of 1998 allow disclosure of the final results of student disciplinary proceedings involving students found to have committed a disciplinary offense that would constitute a “crime of violence” (or a nonforcible sex offense) under federal law, specifically the name of the student found to have committed the offense, the violation committed, and any sanction imposed.
  3. The 1998 FERPA amendments also allow institutions of higher education to disclose to a parent or legal guardian of a student under the age of 21 years information regarding the student’s violation of any federal, state, or local law, or any institutional rule or policy related to the use or possession of alcohol or a controlled substance.
  4. Generally, schools must have written permission from the parent or eligible student in order to release any information from a student’s education record. However, FERPA allows schools to disclose those records, without consent, to the following parties or under the following conditions (34 CFR § 99.31)
    • School officials with legitimate educational interest;
    • Other schools to which a student is transferring (seeks or intends to enroll);
    • Specified officials for audit or evaluation purposes;
    • Appropriate parties in connection with financial aid to a student;
    • Organizations conducting certain studies for or on behalf of the school;
    • Accrediting organizations;
    • To comply with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena;
    • Appropriate officials in cases of health and safety emergencies; and
    • State and local authorities, within a juvenile justice system, pursuant to specific State law.

As of January 3, 2012, the U.S. Department of Education’s FERPA regulations expand the circumstances under which a student’s education records and personally identifiable information (PII) contained in such records may be accessed without the student’s consent. Students needing more details regarding these exceptions may contact the Office of the Registrar.

Students who desire to grant access to parents or third parties can click here to complete the form and submit to the Office of Student Affairs, Clark Student Center, room 108.

Students have the right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by Midwestern State University to comply with the requirements of FERPA.

FERPA allows the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (the State of Texas educational governing entity), with student consent, to disclose to higher education institutions the number of credit hours taken previously.