Feb 15, 2025  
2014-2016 Graduate Catalog 
2014-2016 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

General Information

Testing Center

The MSU Testing Center administers and/or has information on the following exams: American College Test (ACT), College Level Examination Program (CLEP), correspondence exams, Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES), General Education Development Test (GED), Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT), Graduate Record Examination (GRE), GRE ScoreItNow! (Analytical Writing Section), Health Education Systems, Inc. (HESI), Health Occupation Basic Entrance Test (HOBET), Law School Admission Test (LSAT), Medical College Admission Test (MCAT), Miller Analogies Test (MAT), Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education (TCLEOSE), Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC), Texas Examination of Educator Standards (TExES), and TSI Assessment.

Individuals can access the Testing Center web page at http://testing.mwsu.edu. Students interested in any phase of testing services are invited to contact the MSU Testing Center at (940) 397-4676.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974

Midwestern State University maintains educational records for each student who is or has been officially enrolled.

Areas in which student records are maintained:

  1. Academic Records - Registrar’s Office
  2. Admissions Records - Admissions Office, Billie Doris McAda Graduate School, and Office of International Services
  3. Financial Records - Business Office
  4. Financial Aid Records - Financial Aid Office
  5. Graduate Studies Records - Billie Doris McAda Graduate School
  6. Placement Records - Career Management Center
  7. Progress Records - Faculty Offices and Academic Advising Office
  8. Disciplinary Records - Office of Student Conduct
  9. Housing Records - Housing & Dining Services
  10. Athletics Records - Athletics Office
  11. Occasional Records - University staff person who maintains minutes of faculty or committee meetings or copies of correspondence

Directory Information

This is information which may be released to the general public without the written consent of the student. A student may request that the Directory Information be withheld from the public by making a written request to the Office of the Registrar during the first 12 class days of a fall or spring semester or the first 4 class days of a summer term. This request will remain in effect the remainder of the academic year, and the request must be renewed each fall. The following items have been designated as Directory Information:

  1. Name
  2. Date and Place of Birth
  3. Current and Permanent Address
  4. Telephone Listing
  5. Major and Minor Fields of Study
  6. Student Enrollment Status (full-time/part-time)
  7. Classification
  8. Participation in Officially Recognized Activities and Sports
  9. Weight and Height of Members of Athletic Teams
  10. Dates of Attendance
  11. Degrees and Awards Received
  12. All Previous Educational Agencies or Institutions Attended
  13. Photographs

Review of Record

Students who desire to review their records may do so upon written request of the appropriate record custodian. The Review Request Form must identify as precisely as possible the records to be reviewed.

Challenge to Accuracy of Record-keeping

Students who desire to challenge the accuracy of their records shall follow the procedure outlined below:

Informal Review. The procedure outlined for Review of Record shall be followed. The review official will summarize action taken on the Review Request form. This form should be signed and dated by the review official and maintained with the student’s record. If the Informal Review does not clarify the accuracy of record-keeping, the student may request a Formal Review.

Formal Review. The Provost will chair and appoint a committee to hear challenges concerning records of offices reporting to him or her. The Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management will chair and appoint a committee to hear challenges concerning other records. The student shall be afforded a full and fair opportunity to present evidence relevant to the issues raised in the original request to amend the student’s education records. The student may be assisted by one or more individuals, including an attorney.

The Provost or Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management will prepare a written decision based solely on the evidence presented at the hearing. The decision will include a summary of the evidence presented and the reasons for the decision. If the University’s decision is that the challenged information is not inaccurate, misleading, or in violation of the student’s right of privacy, the student will be notified that he has a right to place in the record a statement commenting on the challenged information and/or a statement setting forth reasons for disagreeing with the decision.

The statement will be maintained as part of the student’s education records as long as the contested portion is maintained. If MSU discloses the contested portion of the record, it must also disclose the student’s statement. If MSU decides that the information is inaccurate, misleading, or in violation of the student’s rights of privacy, it will amend the record and notify the student, in writing, that the record has been amended.

Students have a right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in their education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. The following exceptions permit disclosure without consent:

  1. Disclosure without consent is permitted to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person employed by the University in an administrative, supervisory, academic or research, or support staff position (including law enforcement unit personnel and health staff); a person or company with whom the University has contracted (such as an attorney, auditor, collection agent, or enrollment or loan and degree verification service); a person serving on the Board of Regents; or a student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks. A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility.
  2. The Higher Education Amendments of 1998 allow disclosure of the final results of student disciplinary proceedings involving students found to have committed a disciplinary offense that would constitute a “crime of violence” (or a nonforcible sex offense) under federal law, specifically the name of the student found to have committed the offense, the violation committed, and any sanction imposed.
  3. The 1998 FERPA amendments also allow institutions of higher education to disclose to a parent or legal guardian of a student under the age of 21 years information regarding the student’s violation of any federal, state, or local law, or any institutional rule or policy related to the use or possession of alcohol or a controlled substance.
  4. Generally, schools must have written permission from the parent or eligible student in order to release any information from a student’s education record. However, FERPA allows schools to disclose those records, without consent, to the following parties or under the following conditions (34 CFR § 99.31):
    • School officials with legitimate educational interest;
    • Other schools to which a student is transferring (seeks or intends to enroll);
    • Specified officials for audit or evaluation purposes;
    • Appropriate parties in connection with financial aid to a student;
    • Organizations conducting certain studies for or on behalf of the school;
    • Accrediting organizations;
    • To comply with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena;
    • Appropriate officials in cases of health and safety emergencies; and
    • State and local authorities, within a juvenile justice system, pursuant to specific State law.

As of January 3, 2012, the U.S. Department of Education’s FERPA regulations expand the circumstances under which a student’s education records and personally identifiable information (PII) contained in such records may be accessed without the student’s consent. Students needing more details regarding these exceptions may contact the Office of the Registrar.

Students who desire to grant access to parents or third parties can click here to complete the form and submit to the Office of Student Affairs, Clark Student Center, room 104.

Students have the right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by Midwestern State University to comply with the requirements of FERPA.

FERPA allows the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (the State of Texas educational governing entity), with student consent, to disclose to higher education institutions the number of credit hours taken previously.

Intellectual Property Rights

Midwestern State University supports the development, production, and dissemination of intellectual property. Please refer to the University’s intellectual property rights policy for more information: http://www.mwsu.edu/humanresources/policy/3.1-faculty-policies/3.139-Intellectual_Prop_Rights.asp.

Student Affairs and Enrollment Management

The Division of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management plans and administers programs, services, and activities for students that are compatible with the philosophy and objectives of the University. Programs are based on the beliefs that teaching, guidance, and counseling are one and the same, that individual and group counseling are vital to positive academic performance, and that student developmental programs and co-curricular activities enhance the total growth and development of students. The Student Affairs programs have three major objectives:

  1. to create and maintain an atmosphere conducive to the students’ academic and personal welfare;
  2. to incorporate a living-learning concept that will assist students with their development; and
  3. to cooperate with all curricular, social, recreational, cultural, and educational programs in the University community.

All programs, services, and activities not listed in this catalog are described in detail in the Midwestern State University Student Handbook. Copies of the Midwestern State University Student Handbook may be obtained at the Clark Student Center Information Desk, or the Handbook may be electronically accessed via the Student Life website: http://mwsu.edu/student-life/index. Specific services and programs addressed in the Midwestern State University Student Handbook are

  1. Alumni Association (http://alumni.mwsu.edu)
  2. Annual Fund (http://www.mwsu.edu/annualfund)
  3. Bookstore (http://mwsu.edu/bookstore)
  4. Bruce and Graciela Redwine Student Wellness Center (http://mwsu.edu/student-life/recsports)
  5. Campus Card Services (http://mwsu.edu/student-life/campuscard/index)
  6. Career Management Center and Testing Services (http://www.mwsu.edu/career/)
  7. Clark Student Center (http://mwsu.edu/student-life/csc)
  8. Counseling Center (http://mwsu.edu/student-life/counseling)
  9. Cultural Opportunities
    1. Artist-Lecture Series (http://www.mwsu.edu/artistlectureseries/)
    2. Lamar D. Fain College of Fine Arts (http://mwsu.edu/academics/finearts)
    3. Wichita Falls Museum of Art at Midwestern State University (http://www.mwsu.edu/wfma)
  10. Dean of Students (http://mwsu.edu/student-life/dean)
  11. Dining Services (http://www.campusdish.com/en-us/CSSW/Midwestern)
  12. Disability Support Services (http://mwsu.edu/student-life/disability)
  13. Greek Life (http://mwsu.edu/student-life/development/greeklife)
  14. Housing and Dining Services (http://housing.mwsu.edu)
  15. Insurance for Students (http://healthcenter.mwsu.edu)
  16. Intercollegiate Athletics (http://msumustangs.com)
  17. Multicultural Services (http://mwsu.edu/student-life/development/multicultural)
  18. New Student Orientation (http://mwsu.edu/student-life/development)
  19. Post Office (http://www.mwsu.edu/postoffice/)
  20. Recreational Sports (http://mwsu.edu/student-life/recsports)
  21. Student Development (http://mwsu.edu/student-life/development)
  22. Student Government (http://mwsu.edu/sga/)
  23. Student Organizations (http://mwsu.edu/student-life/development/orgs)
  24. Student Publications (http://www.mwsu.edu/about-mwsu/publications)
  25. University Police (http://police.mwsu.edu)
  26. University Programming Board (http://mwsu.edu/student-life/development/upb)
  27. Vinson Health Center (http://healthcenter.mwsu.edu)

Student Honor Creed

The MSU Student Government Association developed the following Student Honor Creed in the 2002-2003 academic year.

“As an MSU student, I pledge not to lie, cheat, steal, or help anyone else do so.”

As students at MSU, we recognize that any great society must be composed of empowered, responsible citizens. We also recognize universities play an important role in helping mold these responsible citizens. We believe students themselves play an important part in developing responsible citizenship by maintaining a community where integrity and honorable character are the norm, not the exception.

Thus, we the students of Midwestern State University resolve to uphold the honor of the University by affirming our commitment to complete academic honesty. We resolve not only to be honest but also to hold our peers accountable for complete honesty in all University matters.

We consider it dishonest to ask for, give, or receive help in examinations or quizzes, to use any unauthorized material in examinations, or to present, as one’s own, work or ideas which are not entirely one’s own. We recognize that any instructor has the right to expect that all student work is honest, original work. We accept and acknowledge that responsibility for lying, cheating, stealing, plagiarism, and other forms of academic dishonesty fundamentally rests with each individual student.

We expect of ourselves academic integrity, personal professionalism, and ethical character. We appreciate steps taken by University officials to protect the honor of the University against any who would disgrace the MSU student body by violating the spirit of this creed.

Student Rights

Midwestern State University is an academic community in which all persons share responsibility for its growth and continued well-being. As members of the University community, students can reasonably expect the following:

  1. In all instances of general discipline, the student has the right to due process. Due process, as applied to student-university relationships and the disciplinary process, is equated with fundamental and procedural fairness.
  2. Students have the right to freedom from discrimination on the basis of race, gender, age, religion, creed, national origin, disability, or sexual orientation.
  3. MSU considers freedom of inquiry and discussion essential to a student’s intellectual development. Thus, the University recognizes the rights of all students to engage in discussion, to exchange thought and opinion, and to speak, write, or print freely on any subject in accordance with the guarantees of Federal and State laws.
  4. The University affirms the right of students as citizens to exercise their freedoms without fear of University interference for such activity.
  5. Students have the opportunity to participate in the formulation of policy directly affecting students through membership on appropriate committees as determined by the President of the University, the Student Government Association, and other recognized groups within the University.
  6. Students shall have ready access to established University policies and procedures.
  7. Students, as members of the University community, have the responsibility to participate in any disciplinary proceedings and to testify as a witness when reasonably notified. Self-incrimination is not intended or construed.
  8. Students are free to engage in peaceful and orderly protest, demonstration, and picketing that do not disrupt functions of the University.
  9. Students are protected from unreasonable searches and seizures.

Human Dignity Statement

Midwestern State University is committed to equitable, civilized, and concerned treatment for all individuals without regard for race, gender, age, religion, creed, disability, national origin, or sexual orientation. As members of the academic community, University students enjoy the privileges and share the obligations of the larger community of which the University is a part. Students are entitled to the privileges that accrue to them by virtue of their membership. These privileges carry with them the obligations of responsible citizenship.

FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION - Freedom of discussion, inquiry, and expression is fostered by an environment in which the privileges of citizenship are protected and the obligations of citizenship are understood.

PERSONAL WORTH AND DIGNITY - It is imperative that students learn to recognize, understand, and celebrate human differences. Universities can, and indeed must, help students become open to the differences that surround them. Differences such as race, religion, age, gender, culture, physical ability, nationality, and lifestyle are learned best in collegiate settings that are rich with diversity, and these differences must be learned if the ideals of human worth and dignity are to be advanced.

STUDENT RESPONSIBILITY - Midwestern State University actively promotes the philosophy that students are responsible for their own lives and that they learn responsibility when they bear the consequences of their actions and inactions in an environment marked by caring and support.

Services for Students with Disabilities

In accordance with Section 504 of the Federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Midwestern State University makes reasonable adjustments in its policies, practices, services, and facilities to ensure equal opportunity for qualified persons with disabilities to participate in all educational programs and activities.

Disability Support Services provides information and assistance, arranges accommodations, and serves as a liaison for students, instructors, and staff. To assist students, the office has books on tape, recorders, and adaptive software that can be lent to qualified individuals. A student/employee who seeks accommodations on the basis of disability must register with Disability Support Services, Clark Student Center Room 168. Documentation of disability from a competent professional is required.

Individuals with grievances related to discrimination or lack of accommodation on the basis of a disability are encouraged to resolve the problem directly with the area involved. If the matter remains unresolved, advice and assistance will be provided by Disability Support Services. Specific information on filing a grievance is available in Disability Support Services.

The Director of Disability Support Services serves as the ADA Coordinator and may be contacted at (940) 397-4140, TDD (940) 397-4515, or 3410 Taft Blvd., Clark Student Center Room 168. The web address is http://mwsu.edu/student-life/disability/.

University Housing and Dining Services

A. Housing Policy

The housing policy is based on the belief that living in University housing can provide both educational and social opportunities important to the success of college students. National studies have demonstrated that students residing on-campus tend to develop and progress at a better rate toward the completion of their degrees than those students living off-campus. All students enrolling at Midwestern State University are required to live in University housing unless they

  1. Are living in the home of their parents or legal guardian within 60 miles of the campus and commuting to class.
  2. Are married and living with their spouse.
  3. Have accumulated 45 semester hours of college academic credit as a post-high school student prior to the first day of classes for the housing agreement period. Hours achieved while in high school are not counted (e.g. concurrent or dual credit).
  4. Have reached the age of 21 prior to the first day of classes for the housing agreement period.
  5. Are part-time students enrolled in 11 hours or less for the fall or spring semester.

B. Food Service Policy

**CATALOG CHANGE** Updated as of Fall 2015:

All students living in MSU residence halls (except Bridwell Courts, Sundance Court, and Sunwatcher Village) during the fall and spring semesters are required to take a meal plan in the Mesquite Dining Room. Three meal plans (150 meals per semester plus $250 flex; 250 meals per semester plus $100 flex; All Access plus $100 flex) are available for students residing in the residence halls. Each meal plan includes the declining balance that may be used at any dining facility in the Clark Student Center. An optional 10-meal plan is available during each summer session.  An optional summer meal plan will be available as well.

Additional information about Housing and Dining Services can be found in the most recent edition of the Midwestern State University Student Handbook, the Housing and Dining Services website (http://housing.mwsu.edu/), or by calling (940) 397-4217.

Graduate Student Association

The Graduate Student Association (GSA) at Midwestern State University strives to create a welcoming and engaging atmosphere for the students enrolled in the Billie Doris McAda Graduate School.  The GSA represents all graduate students. The GSA Student Senator communicates the needs and perspectives of graduate students to the MSU community through the Student Government Association. The officers of the GSA meet with the Dean of the Graduate School and the Graduate Council to express the perspectives of the graduate students. The GSA provides opportunities for graduate students to interact with the university community through social activities planned by the GSA in collaboration with the Dean of the Graduate School, and the Coordinator of Graduate Recruitment, Admissions, and Retention. The GSA is represented on the Celebration of Scholarship Committee, through which there are opportunities for graduate students to present their research to faculty and fellow students during the spring Celebration of Scholarship.