2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
English, Humanities, and Philosophy
Return to: Prothro-Yeager College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Jennifer Dawes, Chair (Bea Wood Hall 216)
Professors: Dawes, Johnson
Associate Professors: Fields, Garrison, Giddings, Giles, Henschel, Lodge, Nivens, Schulze
Assistant Professors: Clegg, Coenen, Williams
Instructors: Carroll, Green
Lecturers: Kim, Pope
Professors Emeriti: Barnett, Carpenter, Galbraith, Hoffman, J. Hoggard, L. Hoggard, Olson, Rankin, Rogers, Smith, Whitlock
Teacher Certification in English
For more information see the Education Department and the Education, English Language Arts and Reading (Grades 4-8) Track, B.S.E. , Secondary Education, English Language Arts and Reading (Grades 7-12) Track, B.S.E. , or English Language Arts and Reading, B.A. with Secondary Certification (Grades 7-12) .
English Department Course Emphases
The following list of undergraduate courses outlines the varying emphases offered by the English Department. (Please note: some courses are listed under more than one emphasis.)
Freshman English and English Communication Core
Introduction to the Major
Sophomore Literature
Writing Courses
Language and Linguistics Courses
Theoretical Courses
Text in Context
Literature of Diverse Voices
Literary Authors or Themes
Period Early
Period Middle
Period Late
Directed Reading or Research
Senior Capstone
Distinguished Professorship
Perkins-Prothro Distinguished Professorship of English
The Perkins-Prothro Distinguished Professorship of English was established in 2001 by the Perkins-Prothro Foundation to recognize truly outstanding scholarship in the Prothro- Yeager College of Humanities and Social Sciences.
Coordinator: Kirsten Lodge (Bea Wood Hall 217)
Associate Professor: Lodge
Professors Emeriti: L. Hoggard, Olson
Advisor: Nathan Jun (Bea Wood Hall 221)
Professor: Jun
Associate Professor: Schultz
Programs and Courses
ProgramsMajorMinorCoursesEnglishHumanitiesPhilosophy- PHIL 1033 - Introduction to Philosophy
- PHIL 1533 - Critical Thinking and Reasoning Skills
- PHIL 2033 - Ethics
- PHIL 2053 - Environmental Philosophy
- PHIL 2073 - Philosophy of Horror and the Macabre
- PHIL 2083 - Philosophy and Film
- PHIL 2103 - Health Care Ethics
- PHIL 2133 - Political Philosophy
- PHIL 2203 - Philosophy of Race and Racism
- PHIL 2213 - Asian Philosophy and Religion
- PHIL 2223 - Feminist Philosophy
- PHIL 2333 - Philosophy of Religion
- PHIL 2823 - Philosophy of Sex, Love, and Friendship
- PHIL 3033 - Wisdom, Virtue, Happiness: Ancient Philosophy
- PHIL 3073 - Multicultural Philosophy: Philosophy Beyond the West
- PHIL 3133 - Existence, Language, History: Twentieth-Century European Philosophy
- PHIL 3233 - Reason, Evidence, Faith: Early Modern Philosophy (1640-1800)
- PHIL 3433 - Meaning, Rebellion, Freedom: Existential Philosophy
- PHIL 3533 - Special Topics in Philosophy
- PHIL 4993 - Independent Study in Philosophy
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