Nov 21, 2024  
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog 
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Mass Communication, B.A.

The purpose of the mass communication program is to prepare graduates for careers in a multi-faceted media profession, for graduate education, and for life-long learning in a rapidly changing global and technological environment.

The requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Arts with a major in mass communication are as follows:

Academic Foundations and Core Curriculum - 42 semester hours

(See Academic Foundations and Core Curriculum - 42 semester hours )

Writing Proficiency Requirement

All students seeking a Bachelor’s degree from Midwestern State University must satisfy a writing proficiency requirement once they have 1) completed 6 hours of Communication Core and 2) earned 60 hours.  Students may meet this requirement by passing the Writing Proficiency Exam, two Writing Intensive Courses (at least one must be outside of the general education core), or ENGL 2113 .  If you have any questions about the exam, visit the Writing Proficiency Office website or call (940) 397-4131.

Minor - 18 hours

(Mass communication majors must complete one of the following minors.)

Advisor-Approved Electives- 3-8 hours

Total Semester Hours - 120