2024-2025 Graduate Catalog 2024-2025 Graduate Catalog |

Welcome to the Online Graduate Catalog
The online catalog management system contains a number of features to assist you, including advanced search options, intuitive navigation, and a personal portfolio (My Catalog) to store favorite programs and courses.
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To view the Undergraduate Catalog, please use the drop-down menu at the top right corner of this page. |
Create an account to bookmark your own list of items from the catalog that are of interest to you. Click on”My Catalog” at the bottom left-side menu to get started. |
For archived catalogs prior to the 2023-2024 catalog, please use this link. |
You can click on the star icon in the top right corner on any pages on which it shows to add pages to your “My Catalog” |
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Click the arrow-up icon at the bottom right on any page to automatically be taken back to the top of the page. |
Click on the print icon in the top right corner on any page for a printer-friendly layout. |
Click on the degree planner icon in the top right courner on any degree program page to have the degree requirements printed in a degree plan format. |
Click the questions mark in the top right corner on any page for assistance. |
Course Navigation: Click on a course to open up a full description. Click on the course identifier again to close the box.
Social Media: Share catalog information on Facebook and Twitter using this icon located in the top right corner on certain pages:
Volume LXXXIX, Number 2, Wichita Falls, Texas