2021-2022 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Athletic Training and Exercise Physiology
Return to: Robert D. & Carol Gunn College of Health Sciences and Human Services
Michael Olson
Chair, Athletic Training and Exercise Physiology Department
Soon-Mi Choi
Graduate Coordinator
Graduate Faculty: |
Choi, Olson, Wyatt |
Emeriti Faculty: |
Gillespie, Henderson |
Graduate Admissions and Requirements
An application for admission to the Midwestern State University Graduate Program is available on the website at https://msutexas.edu/academics/graduate-school/how-to-apply.php.
Students seeking admission to graduate programs in the College of Health Sciences and Human Services must meet University requirements (see Admission to the Graduate School ) and College of Health Sciences and Human Services and Athletic Training and Exercise Physiology requirements.
The Master of Science in Exercise Physiology offers two options for completion of the degree. Students may select either the Thesis option or the Non-Thesis option.
Thesis Option
Each candidate is required to select a thesis and complete an original research project on a topic approved by his/her major professor and thesis committee, prepare a written report of the research, defend the research at a public forum, and place a copy of the paper on file as directed by the University. The thesis must follow either the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association or the American Physiological Society format. Library research papers may be filed on standard typing paper. Theses must be submitted on 20 lb. cotton bond paper.
Thesis Option: Oral Defense Requirement
Coincident with the public presentation of a thesis, the candidate will be required to complete an oral defense administered by the candidate’s graduate committee. The defense will focus on the thesis research.
Non-Thesis Option: Comprehensive Examination
Introduction: As a culminating experience in completion of the Master of Science in Exercise Physiology, students will be required to pass a comprehensive exam. The exam will consist of questions from the content from each course within the Core Curriculum as provided, and graded, by the course instructor.
Format: The Comprehensive Exam will be in written format, and students will be required to bring bluebooks in order to sit for the exam (one bluebook per class in the core curriculum).
The Graduate Advisory Committee and Admission to Candidacy
Prior to the end of the first year of graduate study, the candidate must recruit a committee to be composed of three members of the Athletic Training and Exercise Physiology graduate faculty or two members of the Athletic Training and Exercise Physiology graduate faculty and one member of the minor field’s graduate faculty. Of this group, one member of the Athletic Training and Exercise Physiology graduate faculty will serve as the student’s major professor, advisor, and chair of the graduate committee. Completion of this process will be considered as admission to candidacy.
Satisfactory Student Progress
Graduate students are expected to consistently pursue the highest levels of achievement in all classes, programs, and activities in which they participate. The Athletic Training and Exercise Physiology faculty requires the following standard for satisfactory performance: (1) Consistent with University policy, grades of “D” and “F” are unsatisfactory. Students who receive a “D” or “F” in a course will be subject to a review by the graduate faculty of the program. The faculty may recommend a dismissal from the program or may allow the student to remain in a probationary status. A second “D” or “F” will result in dismissal from the program. (2) Students who receive two grades of “C” will be subject to a review by the graduate faculty. The faculty may recommend a dismissal from the program or may allow the student to remain in a probationary status. A third “C” will result in dismissal from the program. (3) Graduate Assistants and Graduate Research Assistants are required to enroll in 6 hours each regular semester.
ProgramsMajorCoursesExercise Physiology
Return to: Robert D. & Carol Gunn College of Health Sciences and Human Services